Hello, I’m Nicole! I’m an evidential psychic medium, intuitive and mentor. I’m based in the Twin Cities, MN.

My office is close to Deephaven/ Wayzata area for those who would like an in person reading. I also read for many non-local clients by video or phone. National clients or for those who would rather not come into the office. International clients video only please.

Whichever way you’d like to connect is great. Spirits communicate the same everywhere as they are now pure energy. They no longer have a physical body, and communicate through our psychic senses. It’s best to choose which you feel the most comfortable, so you can be in a clear state of mind to receive any intuitive and mediumship connections.

A little about my journey:

My creative path helped lead me to my psychic mediumship development. I was very intuitive growing up, and just ‘knew things’ that I couldn’t explain. My way of expressing and connecting to the spirit world was through my artwork. I didn’t understand that I was channeling until later in life. Through synchronic events my psychic gifts began to open more and more. However, I had a lot of fear around the spirit world and anything “psychic”. I realize now that the fear came from old school stereotypes, and misunderstandings of what a medium does.

Becoming a professional medium is a choice that happens with time and education. Even those who were aware of spirit as a very young child, need to develop their gifts and self along the way. Self development is a parallel path to understanding our mediumship and psychic abilities. Mediumship is a life long development and journey with many ups and downs. We are all life long learners here on earth school! I’m a strong believer that we all came to earth for a reason. Lessons we learn are from a soul contract we signed before this birth. Each difficult lesson and each relationship is a personal discovery about ourselves. Spirit is about our connection with each other. How can we come together rather than divide. Spirit is about love, the bond that never dies.

Sharing beliefs and how to prepare for a reading with me:

I believe access to the spirit realm is within us, and all around us. It’s a higher consciousness of love and light. We just need to know how to listen and receive their love. The messages they give us is connected to our higher self, and soul. As the mediator, your guides, passed loved ones, and angels send me impressions through my psychic senses. Our guides and spirit teams surround us during the readings to help bring clarity over concerns that arise during the session.

Please note, mediums do not know everything about you or your loved ones in spirit! No one does, only Source/ God knows all. Spirit only gives us what they decide at the time. They highlight certain issues, or people in spirit and dynamics for a reason. Please be open and take notes or have your session recorded. Often many parts of the reading will unfold further after the session. Sometimes for days, months, or years. Depending on the information. Also know we all have free will, and when you make a choice the energy path shifts too. I always recommend people follow their own intuition first, and use a medium/intuitive as a helper for clarity with life choices. A good psychic medium won’t tell you what to do, or imply you have some kind of curse. I don’t work with any type of that energy. I also have the right to not answer questions I’m not morally comfortable with, or end our session if I don’t feel we are a good match.

When you come to a medium, please try to be open and in a quiet space. If you are on drugs, heavy prescription medication, drinking or in a very unclear head space your session will be comprised. You won’t be able to retain the information given as clearly as if you are sober. I have the right to end our session if I feel that is the case. Too many distractions may also interfere with the flow. Please know that you are a part of the energy dynamic, so if you’d like the best outcome as possible it’s best to be in a quiet space, take deep breath to relax, try not to have specific expectations, so you only see that limited view. Trust that spirit will get to as many as possible, and highlight what spirit wants to help with at the session. We don’t have control over people in spirit world.

See you soon, Nicole

Podcasts- featured guest

The Answer Podcast, Episode 9 The Answer Podcast

Broader Lens Podcast, Episode 10 Broader Lens Podcast

Magic is Real Podcast Magic is Real

The Being Curious Show with Brain & Kelly on 950AM Radio, April 2 Being Curious Radio Show

Psychic Matters Podcast Psychic Matters Podcast Episode 40

Trusting From Within The Intuitive Woman Episode 212

Spirit Guided Podcast Spirit Guided Episode 7

Finding Hope Podcast Finding Hope Podcast Episode 11

Magazine- featured guest

Bold Journey Magazine Bold Journey

Voyage Magazine Minnesota Voyage Magazine Minnesota

Canvas Rebel Magazine Canvas Rebel

Reviews and Testimonials

Nicole Linde profile at Bob Olsons ’Best Psychic Directory’ Bob Olsons Best Psychic Directory

My Facebook page Reviews Section Nicole Intuitive Medium Facebook Page Reviews

My Instagram Reviews Section Nicole Intuitive Medium Instagram

“My reading with Nicole was incredible. I was admittedly a bit nervous as it was my first mediumship reading and she had such a warm and calming demeanor. She knew things about my grandparents, spirit baby and elements of my career path I had not told anyone about. It was the exact comfort and validation I needed at this time in my life. Because of Nicole I can see clearer and have more courage and peace within myself than ever before, and am looking forward to what lies ahead. Thank you Nicole!” -posted on December 14, 2022 by Morgan Alexandria

“Nicole is amazing. She connected me with my grandfather that passed 46 years ago. She defined his energy and personality perfectly and described belongings (that I possess) that he gave my grandmother back in the 1930’s. All the way down to relaying the inscription inside of a ring! Nicole is great with future predictions, including business ventures that I wouldn’t have thought possible. I enjoy time with her and always look forward to the next. “ - posted on November 18, 2022 by Millie Alvarez

“My reading with Nicole exceeded my expectations! Spirits came across with clear accuracy. My reading was informative. healing and gave me a great amount of insight. Certain facts that were revealed by spirit could not have been known except by spirit. I highly recommend Nicole!” -posted on November 1, 2022 by Sylvia foreman


Disclaimer / Legalities

By agreeing to use the services of Nicole Intuitive & Psychic Medium you agree that you have read and understand that all information, and is subject to the service recipients interpretation.

Nicole Linde with Nicole Intuitive & Psychic Medium will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by the recipients based on information provided during the readings.

These readings are for entertainment purposes only. All information and/or advice given to you by Nicole Linde with Nicole Intuitive & Psychic Medium should not take place of any medical, legal or financial advice given to you by a qualified professional.

All sessions by Nicole Linde with Nicole Intuitive & Psychic Medium are not a substitute for medical, legal, or financial advice.

You must be 18 years of age to use this service.

What is the cancelation and refund policy?

Cancellations within 24hrs of appointment, no refunds. no exceptions. No-shows will not receive a refund. Cancellations or reschedules before 24hrs of appointment do not have a fee and can be made at my website email me tor reschedule you.

If either you or Nicole Linde feel that an energetic match is not present and that a validated connection with spirit is not being made within the first ten minutes of your reading, either party may terminate the appointment. The full client's payment will be refunded in this case only.  Beyond ten minutes, there are no refunds and no exceptions. If Nicole Linde does not think you are in a state of mind once we begin the reading to be present enough for your session, she will end the session and offer a reschedule with a $50 fee. If Nicole Linde does not feel comfortable about topics discussed she has the right to not answer those topics. If Nicole Linde feels harassed by client she has the right to end the session and not offer a refund.

Code of Ethics

I, Nicole Linde, hereby certify that as a professional spiritual practitioner, I proudly honor the code of ethical principles as set forth and outlined below on behalf of all clients, personnel and professionals I work and operate with: 

18 and older. Nicole offers readings to those who are 18 and older only. If you are a parent and make an appointment for your child, please be with them at the time of appointment. This is for both legal safety reasons and to honor and respect parental boundaries. 

Keep Confidential. A client's trust is highly valued and everything shared within the client-practitioner sphere is kept strictly confidential. It is ethical only to disclose confidential information only when the client consents to it or when there is a real and imminent threat of harm to the client or to others, and this threat can be only diffused by a breach of confidentiality. 

Respect Rights. I respect the rights and preferences of my clients, my students and my spiritual colleagues. I also agree to respect a person's right to refuse or accept help on their own terms and will never force a reading, a message, my opinions, or my lifestyle on those who choose to withhold. 

Do No HarmI understand that abilities have been gifted to me by Spirit to use only in serving the highest and greatest good of all involved. I also understand that should my gifts be used in ill will, they will be relinquished. I understand that my gifts are solely intended for healing, helping and supporting others and I strive to always use my resources appropriately, in the best way possible, and only in benefit of my community. 

Withhold Judgement. I owe my clients and my colleagues complete loyalty and I agree to only provide spiritual services when I can do so as an unbiased and clear vessel. I will not allow my own judgment to be influenced by personal profit, unfair discrimination, or my own emotions. I agree to certify that which I have only personally verified. 

Colleagues. A spiritual professional never undermines other colleagues in order to attract his or her own clients and only behaves towards his/her colleagues as she/he would wish them behave towards him/her. When necessary, he/she communicates with colleagues who are involved in the care of the same individual and this communication respects confidentiality, where only the necessary information is conveyed.

Providing Services. I only provide those services that I believe will truly help the client, student or colleague at their highest level. No service will be offered or prepared, if it will not ultimately be what is truly best for the client. When examination of an issue is beyond my capacity, I will refer to a network of trusted professionals. 

A Professional Code Of Ethics; a code for psychics, healers, shamans, teachers and mediums - 

Cited by Amanda Meder.
To use or adapt for your own practice, simply site as reference on your own.