What does being psychic mean to you?

If “fortune teller” is the first thing that pops into your mind then you may be viewing psychic as an old stereotype! While precognitive information can be a part of a reading, it is only one type of ability.

You have psychic and intuitive eneries already within you! Most of us benefit from leaning about “tools” to unlock them. We start by learning how to access your own energy, and read for yourself. Self care begins with tuning into our own energy first, then we can begin to read others if so desired. Seeing the world in different ways helps you to open your heart and mind to a higher vibration that’s more in alignment with your soul path. Click here to see my new online course. PSYCHIC & INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT COURSE

What’s covered in this course? Here is a list of the content in this course. Videos, guided meditations, 2 mentor sessions, facebook group, and a check in blog page.


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