Mediumship Development

A course created for you. Designed with balance in mind. Self paced modules and live mentored guidance.

Flexibility for people to develop at their own pace.

Welcome! I’m excited you are ready to grow with me.

This course is designed for both beginners, and seasoned mediums. Mediumship development is an ongoing lifelong development. Like a spiral we often circle back to core principles, and explore new territory!

Mediumship Development- Self Paced Course
One time
For 2 months

A weekly self paced, & online mediumship development course!

✓ 1:1 Private mentoring sessions
✓ Private Facebook Group
✓ Internal Blog
✓ Option to join live mentored classes
✓ Downloadable Content

Scroll down page for FAQ’s & the full list of perks included in the online course.

Do you want to join the next mediumship development live mentored practice circle?

Info will be sent once you purchase course.

Must purchase the online course membership first to join live mentored classes. (Mediumship Development- Self Guided Course)

The live circle goes for a few months at a time. Please check the next dates available and book your spot.

Short tour of the Mediumship Development Online Course

“Nicole is incredibly gifted, knowledgeable, and cares about her students. The classes break down helpful information so you can learn it and there is time to practice. She calls in an amazing group of people and creates a safe, judgement free zone so you can explore and practice. Her classes helped me build confidence. If you are looking for a way to learn and grow as a medium or intuitive, I highly recommend Nicole's classes!”— Leslie Christy

“This is my third course with Nicole! As a beginner, I was amazed at the validations I received from my peers. On one-on-one break out sessions, I even brought some of them to tears which was absolutely amazing to me. This is a great way to learn how to react when that happens or when you even hit a blocked mindset.” - Kristin Bergante

“The course content Nicole has developed is structured in a manner that is easy to follow. She provides a safe space that is unique every time allowing for class to come together to participate with one another to interact. It is gratifying to know that there is a course developed with the care and compassion around our development of what is already innately within each of us.”
-Leah Benavides

“I’ve taken multiple classes from Nicole and every single class was helpful, encouraging and packed with tools for guidance. Her manner of instructions makes learning this content seem natural. She cares a lot about creating a comfortable group to support each other. I highly recommend any of Nicole’s courses!” — Stacy Cole

Included In Your Mediumship Development Course:

  • Easy to navigate modules to help your development

  • Downloadable & accessible anytime (89 pages)

  • Guided video meditations

  • Video guided exercises

  • Practice Exercises

  • Foundations of psychic development

  • Two private 30 min private mentor sessions

  • Private Facebook Support Group

  • Option to join a monthly practice circle

  • Professional advice to help you meet your individual
    development goals

  • Helpful tools, tips, for navigating your own spiritual development

Course Content Includes:

  • Sensing Spirit 

  • Sacred Space

  • Grounding Energy

  • Flow Activities 

  • Connecting to Spirit Guides

  • The three I’s (Intuition, Imagination, and Instinct)

  • Overthinking 

  • All Psychic Senses 

  • Connecting to a loved one in Spirit

  • Evidence from people in Spirit (how to begin to navigate conversation with a spirit contact)

  • Relationships (beginning to understand who we are connecting with)

  • Blending with Spirit

  • The Body of a Mediumship Reading  

  • Memories from spirit (personal and shared)

  • Symbols from Spirit (literal and non-literal) 

  • Songs from Spirit 

  • Pop culture & Familiar References

  • Religious & Metaphysical Symbols

  • How we pass from the physical world to spirit

  • Symbolism on ways of passing

  • After Spirit passes events 

  • Spirit world 

  • What is spirit doing now 

  • Blending with Spirit (how to deepen your connection)

  • Messages ( How to understand & Deliver Healing messages from those in spirit)

  • Physical signs from spirit (this is like your unique calling card with loved ones)

  • Ethics (learning how to set positive intentions and healthy boundaries)

  • Reflection in Journal 

  • Reading from a Photo

  • Advice on your next steps after this class 


  • Absolutely not. The content is just a suggested pace. All the content and exercises are self paced and never time out. They are meant for you to go back to multiple times, so you can go deeper into your development.

  • There’s plenty of intermediate content to ensure that everyone is challenged. I designed the course for both the beginner & the seasoned medium, so everyone can go deeper into their own personal development. If you decide to join the live classes you can get more practice in too.

  • Yes, I designed this course for both new and seasoned mediums. There is foundational information on how to grow and understand how you personally connect. Exercises and meditations. If you decide to join a live class then can practice with others.

  • Yes. The materials in the course will remain accessible as long as your account is active. You can also download most of the content and print it out. You can also connect in the private facebook group to continue to grow with others. Also 1:1 mentor sessions with me.

Get Both Courses

Psychic Development & Mediumship Bundle
One time
For 2 months

Get access to both the Psychic & Intuitive Development Course and the Mediumship Development- Self Paced Course.

✓ 1:1 Private mentoring sessions
✓ Private Facebook Group
✓ Internal Blog
✓ Option to join live mentored classes
✓ Downloadable Content