Spirit person #2 (This spirit has been claimed by a loved one. Scroll down to see shared photo)

This woman came in quite quickly, kinda urgent, but she insisted that she also doesn’t want to make a big deal about it either. She knew I was in a bit of a hurry today between work

She definitely had cancer or an illness that caused her to loose all or almost all of her hair. I also felt her eyebrows were thin, or drawn on. She also didn’t have much eyelashes.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She said. She may have worn scarves or something around her neck, I drew that beaded or pearl necklace too.

She doesn’t make me feel like she had any children left in physical if she even had children at all theres no direct heirs left.She tapped me on the shoulder and said “I don’t want to make a fuss. But I am here for a friend” To let her know that I passed peacefully into the night. She holds your hand now to say thank you

The night is not what we think, in fact it’s a beautiful bright light where we are no longer in pain surrounded by colors.

Classical or opera, jazz music, she appreciates the arts. Ballet, Or a memory around that.

I get the feeling she was never married or if she was it didn’t last long. She’s very independent yet quite soft. She may have worn reading glasses as she’s showing me a book and reading. So I do believe she would have been into reading or studying.

She says the birds and bells that I wrote down in the energy field around her head is because those are her signs to you.

Thank you for being a wonderful friend. She appreciated all your warmth and checking up on her when she was ill.

Shes around you at the pool or ocean it’s warm and sitting in lounge chairs. I see orange trees so maybe FL or CA, AR, connection. Or a memory.

She said “go for it” to you. I think it’s around a new house or move? Definitely move so could be movement in career path. She’s showing me a labyrinth. Like sit in quiet and you’ll know what to do. This is your moment!

If you can take 80% of the info comment or message me. She is a gentle one.


Spirit person #3- (This spirit has been claimed by a loved one. Scroll down to see shared photo)


Spirit person #1(This spirit has been claimed by two loved ones. Scroll down to see shared photo)