Spirit person #3- (This spirit has been claimed by a loved one. Scroll down to see shared photo)

When I first started drawing this guy something seemed familiar about him. I think he has that sense about him which is why he got so specific with me on details.

If you can take 75-80% of the information he provided let me know

He wants his loved ones to know he got his wings

He brings up Alabama

Or maybe it’s “sweet home Alabama, I’m coming home to you “ I just want to sing that song

He wasn’t super grounded

I’m seeing a lot cats around him, but he’s also laughing.

Feb / March connection & June

He likes to collect stuff

He’s creative

He’s showing me his wife / partner who is in physical, she has long brown or dark hair & wearing a dress

He says thanks for putting up with me

I think he has one child or is step dad of one he shows me 1

I’m feeling girl

I just want to drink my beer, I definitely have a bit of an issue with the beer or drinking a little too much. I struggled with it

I feel like I’m at a horse race

Kentucky derby. A memory or might have gambling lottery ticket or issues financials

He sends you coins

You’ll know it because he’s showing me like a dollar and then coin with something specific like a date. Date means something like his birthday or passing.

And now I just want to Sing “Born on the Bayou, “ I think that’s lyrics from CCR

Definitely a southern connection with him. I see a truck

He’s says take me to the River

Although I don’t know if he still lives in the south, he may have moved.

He was a bit of a flirt but didn’t mean anything.

He shouldn’t have been such a fool. He had a second chance and he blew it.

He is avoiding how he passed which makes me feel he had some responsibility in it. Either substances or health condition that arose from that and he doesn’t strike me as someone who went to the doctor often.

He brings up a family picture of all three of you. tell my family and my mom that I love them.

He said something about wanting you to go to school, take classes or like further education within what you already do, up skills because he knows how clever you are (he’s talking to his wife/partner)

Put a penny in the water and make a wish. Dragonflies sign.


Spirit person #4 (This spirit has been claimed by a loved one. Scroll down to see shared photo)


Spirit person #2 (This spirit has been claimed by a loved one. Scroll down to see shared photo)