Spirit person #4 (This spirit has been claimed by a loved one. Scroll down to see shared photo)

Spirit person drawing 4

Sounds like an ambulance in distance. I can hear it as I am leaving my body, but I don’t pass at home. I want my eyes to be closed in the drawing. I do feel he was at least in his 50’s possibly older. Lungs, collapse, and degenerative heart. Ringing in ears, light headed. I have tubes in my nose or to breath. Oxygen. He’s sorry he wasn’t able to say goodbye to you with mouth, but I do believe someone was with him when he passed. He may bot have been responsive but shows me hand over hand.

I am new and old and I love you dearly. I am hugging my wife, but she may not see this message, it might be my granddaughter who does. I went out by the truck this morning. Trying to fix something. He may have been handy that way around the house.

He is walking its quiet in the snow, quiet, then a mountain. He is near you, he has a deep spiritual connection, but he doesn’t specify which religion. He does have Pacific north west conncetion.

Also hearing Abby or A name. Gratitude is what he says after. Also a T name. B also.

This man had a very clam presence feels almost Zen like.

He may have smoked when he was younger or some kind of tobacco.

Grandma knows. He’s with Mary and Joseph, so perhaps he is Christian.

My belongings in a box, do you have the metals or trophies. There’s something shiny in them. He is honored but he is also very like unassuming about his achievements.

He shows me you touching his face, it was clean shaven when you were little and then feel my face it’s bumpy. Tell your brother that I’m ok. I’m really at peace and I am surrounding you. Something about you going to college. Then I see graduation, feels so proud of you! Look at how far you’ve come. He shows me you’re holding a dog, I think it was a puppy when you got it.

Keep following the voice of your soul. Writing down helps you to navigate which way to go. Only you can know, no matter what people try to advise.

You’re going to be an inspiration for your daughter (not sure if she’s born yet) You will know when it’s time. Marriage.

Something about another language, learning another language or perhaps he spoke another one. You’re enough, he says, and when you accept yourself others see our beauty. He’s just here to say he loves you and he’s with you often. Wind chimes, and music it feels like instrumental music. Beautiful woman singing in background, maybe opera or choir.

555 or 9, 7’s. This could be angel number, or specific to passing, birthday, or anniversary. Look out at the moon and stars.

Claimed spirit


Spirit person #5 (This spirit has been claimed by loved one, scroll down to see photo)


Spirit person #3- (This spirit has been claimed by a loved one. Scroll down to see shared photo)